Storr, Joseph (Iowa State University)

From shirts to sheets, bikes to floors, stakes to instruments, every corner of the consumer market is inundated with bamboo products. Few of these products take advantage of bamboo’s impressive material qualities, but rather use it as “filler” in making every day products. My research takes a closer look at the problems associated with such practices, and suggests a few more efficient ways in which bamboo can be utilized to make our world better. Click Here to see my research.

The following are sources which I found useful in my research

NAVY Research on Bamboo Reinforced Concrete

Guidelines for Building Bamboo-Reinforced Masonry in Earthquake-Prone Areas in India

Performance Evaluation of Bamboo Reinforced Concrete

Bamboo Reinforcement in Portland Cement

Bamboo Connections

Bamboo Construction


Zeri Pavilion

Bamboo as a Building Material

Mechanical Properties of Bamboo

Modern Bamboo Architecture

China Bridge

Bamboo Preservation by Sap Displacement

Growing Bamboo in the Northeastern U.S.

Ecuador Bamboo Initiative

Growing Habits of Bamboo

Growing Bamboo in the Landscape

Environmental Bamboo Foundation

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